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Smart Cities Solutions

  • Integrating Society in the Development of a Sustainable City
  • Cooperation Among All Sectors of Society, supported by the Best Technologies and Practices to Empower a Smart City.

GABS Solution

GABS Provides Integral Solutions for Urban Automation that Enable Smart Cities.
We offer comprehensive solutions to help large cities overcome their challenges related to, among others: Citizen Services, Mobility, Public Services, Health and Public Safety.


Envisioning your Smart City

Large cities typical problems make it difficult for authorities to satisfy the population’s safety, health, transport and public services needs. Given the scale of the daily dynamics of cities,
it is imperative to develop urban automation and modernization initiatives to improve the quality of life of citizens, and Smartmatic can cooperate with your city to do so:

  • Automating all events and incidents related to city management
  • Improving mobility to reduce congestion and vehicle travel times
  • Applying technology and integrated management models to improve public safety.
    Making public spaces management more dynamic for proper maintenance and conservation.
  • Driving sustainable waste management models.
  • Encouraging citizen participation in city maintenance and conservation initiatives.